UEMS Section & Board of Endocrinology

About UEMS

The European Union of Medical Specialists (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes – UEMS) is a
non-governmental organisation representing national associations of medical specialists in the European Union and in associated countries.

The UEMS represents National Assocations of Medical Specialists and operate at the European level to defend and promote the interests of Medical Specialists. It is made up of 37 National Member Associations which altogether compose the UEMS Council, which is the organisation’s General Assembly.

In 1962, the UEMS created Specialist Sections to promote and defend the interest of the different Specialties at the European level. Currently, 42 Specialist Sections, 10 Multidisciplinary Joint Committees and over 20 Divisions are active in this regard.

Endocrinology at UEMS

The specialty of Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (including Nutrition,
Andrology & Reproductive Medicine, but henceforward abbreviated to Endocrinology and Diabetes) is that branch of Medicine concerned
principally with structural and functional disorders of the endocrine glands, of hormone action and the metabolic consequences thereof.

Next assembly meeting: Istanbul 2024

The next UEMS annual assembly will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, on May 24-26. 
Sign up here!

Istanbul 2025 poster

FEEL bursary call

We wish to announce the invitation for research applications for the FEEL awards.
As you know this is a 9000 euro taxfree bursary award for any trainee in Adult Endocrinology, to support them in their field of research.
There are two bursary awards for this term. We hope to open for two more in the autumn 2024.
The deadline for applications is April 18. Please forward all to Dr Maeve Durkan (President, UEMS Board & Section of Endocrinology), and they will be assessed by the reviewing committee.
We will announce the award and present the bursary at our upcoming UEMS – ESE symposium in Stockholm.

FEEL call for 2024
Previous EEE-FEEL award winners 

Link to examination

Exam in 2023 was taken on November 8th by 168 candidates, 70 % from out of Europe. Standard
setting gave concerns to Irish College, but only 3 questions needed to be revisited

ESE Curriculum

We wish to announce the invitation for research applications for the FEEL awards.
As you know this is a 9000 euro taxfree bursary award for any trainee in Adult Endocrinology, to support them in their field of research.
There are two bursary awards for this term. We hope to open for two more in the autumn 2024.
The deadline for applications is April 18. Please forward all to Dr Maeve Durkan (President, UEMS Board & Section of Endocrinology), and they will be assessed by the reviewing committee.

We will announce the award and present the bursary at our upcoming UEMS – ESE symposium in Stockholm.

FEEL call for 2024

Previous EEE-FEEL award winners 
